
Origin Houston, Texas
Author At eight years old, I wrote my first “novel” for a school project—Silly Excuses, a whimsical book about the wild excuses kids give their parents when they’ve been naughty. Not only did I ace the project, but my teacher loved it so much she had it published in the school library. That moment sparked a lifelong passion for writing. Now, I’m the author of The Sanctorum Order series, a collection of contemporary suspense romances that keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Family I currently reside in The Netherlands with my husband, our young son, and our cherished cat, Hermes.
Interests I love kicking back with a binge-worthy romance drama or anime. As an avid reader, I devour contemporary and paranormal romance novels of all kinds. Baking “healthy” sweets is my jam, and I’m also a video gamer and tech enthusiast!
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I wish you happiness in your life, plenty of romance, and above all else, love.