
Writing to music ignites my creativity. It lets me feel the emotions of my characters deeply, making them come alive in my mind like scenes from a movie. Music is the driving force that connects me to the unfolding story I want to share with you. Below, I’ve included some songs that inspired me while writing The Sanctorum Order Series. These tracks helped me infuse the story with passion, emotion, and authenticity. I hope you find something on this list to enjoy.

Here’s my writing playlist—my muse in musical form. I update it frequently with a variety of Electronica artists as I write new novels. Enjoy!


My favorite DJ has a great Electronica playlist that you might enjoy. Just click the SoundCloud icon to be inspired! the-huntress-elizabeth-davis

I love Pinterest! My boards are bursting with pins on hobbies, interests, and entertainment. You might discover something awesome too! Got a great book or movie recommendation? Drop me an email—I’d love to hear from you! More boards!

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I wish you happiness in your life, plenty of romance, and above all else, love.