My Awesome Cover Artist Reese Dante!

1st January 2015


There is one word for Reese… AWESOME! Oh, did I already say that? Well, there’s more! Award winning book cover artist Reese Dante is not only a fantastic cover artist, but Reese has a professional attitude and gets your cover art done in a proficient and timely manner.

I was able to preview my cover art as it was being designed in iterations, not only that, Reese helped me select my graphics for my cover, and formatted my electronic and print edition interiors too. Reese also creates watermarked ARC versions! What more can a girl ask for!

I learned about Reese from Romance Writer’s of America as I am a member of their organization. Lucky for me that I found Reese, a diamond in the rough. So check out Reese’s work. Reese’s pricing is reasonable and Reese sticks to excellent principles mentioned on the website’s home page that you can visit via the banner above. Just click the banner to be directed to the wonderful cover art of Reese Dante!

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